ART TEC - Guy Marsden
Product Design My Artwork Living Sustainably
Art Engineering Wood bowl turning class Solar Power Chevy Volt
    Solar Heating Thermal Windows
Contact About Me  Solar Hot Water Solar Mower


I live in rural Maine where I work out of my solar powered workshop.
I started this web site in 1997 and add to it when I have new things to share, it now has over 300 pages.

I have come to define myself as a "creator".  This concept encompasses the many media and technologies with which I work, all require the idea of creating or designing something new.  This is what gets me up every morning and keeps me going every day.  Creating.

Since 2001 I have made a big commitment to live as sustainably as I can and my web site documents all my efforts to reduce my the carbon footprint of my lifestyle.  The main reason I share this information is to inform and educate others who are equally committed to saving our planet from the impending disaster of climate crisis.  My home, car (Chevy Bolt EV) and workshop are all solar powered.
view of my house and workshop 
View of my home and workshop.

what's new
New art clock, June 2024

New "Digital Numeric Relevator" artwork, June 2023

my YouTube channel
Guy Marsden Makes Stuff
Since 2022 I have been making videos about things I make in my workshop.  I use my mini mill, mini lathe and other machine tools to make Stirling engines, electronic art, weird clocks, hand tools, improvements to my machines, and much more.
YouTube screen clips

social media
My blog is all about living sustainably


Happy students with their bowl
Learn to make a wood bowl with me - 4 hour class for up to 2 people starting at 9am or 1pm.

Recent review:
“This experience was incredible; we can’t say enough good things about it! Guy truly has a teacher’s heart.  He gives clear concise instructions, broken down into manageable chunks.  He balances demonstration with description, and then with encouragement as you try the new skills for yourself.  He is patient and kind with beginners, and gives timely correction in a very encouraging way.  You truly do most of the work yourself, and come away with a beautiful bowl.  Guy’s love for woodworking came through very clearly, and I think we may have found a new hobby through this introduction to wood turning!”
I work for and collaborate with artists to design electronic controls for their light, kinetic, video, audio and multi-media work. 
Here you will find an extensive gallery documenting many projects large and small.  

sustainable living
On this page I list all the things that I do to live sustainably from using solar energy and owning an electric vehicle to simple no-cost things like composting and recycling rechargeable batteries.

By modeling the world I want to see maybe others will join me in living lightly on the planet without compromising a comfortable lifestyle.
Barn with solar panels SOLAR POWER SYSTEM
My blog documents the process of financing, designing, purchasing and installing a solar power system.  The system powers my home, workshop and vehicle.  My friends and neighbors helped install the first panels in the summer of 2009.  The system currently consists of 36 solar panels with Enphase micro-inverters behind each panel that convert solar power directly to 240 Volts AC right on the roof.  By installing it myself, I saved over $9000.  See the
real time energy stats here.
South end of barn with 4 solar collectors SOLAR HEATING FOR MY WORKSHOP
In 2001 I designed and built a solar augmented heating system for the radiant floor in my workshop.  The backup is propane, and I later added a wood stove to reduce the propane consumption. 
System disconnected in November 2021 - I replaced the solar thermal collectors with 6 solar PV panels and a self-installed heat pump. 
See this video about that transition.
Team installing solar collectors SOLAR DOMESTIC WATER
In July 2006 I installed a solar domestic water heating system with the help of my friends.  This blog documents the installation of a packaged system that was purchased as a complete off-the-shelf kit, although I made a few modifications.  See
real time monitoring of this system.
MrCool heat pump DIY HEAT PUMPS
in March 2021 I installed a DIY Mr Cool mini-split heat pump in my home.  I saved thousands of dollars by installing it myself and this will replace the propane heater used to heat my house with the goal of reducing my carbon footprint.
And I installed a similar system in my workshop in November 2021. 
Heat revover ventilator on wall of utility room HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATION SYSTEM IN MY WORKSHOP
In October 2008 I installed a heat recovery ventilator in my workshop because the building is so well sealed in the winter that I was concerned about indoor air quality.  This inexpensive system brings in fresh and removes stale air while recovering 86% of the heat as it exits the building.
In October 2014 I installed a mini Energy Recovery Ventilator in my kitchen/dining area to bring fresh warmed air into the house without losing heat when it is tightly sealed up in the winter.  I later added second units in the master bedroom and small bedroom.  These impressive and affordable units claim 92% efficiency. 
Rinnai tankless water heater TANKLESS WATER HEATER
In June 2010 I replaced a failed 50 gallon water heater with a propane fired tankless, on-demand unit that conserves energy by not losing heat all day from a tank.  Water is pre-heated by the solar collectors to reduce the need for propane
Electric lawn mower conversion SOLAR LAWN MOWER
In July 2005 I converted a gas lawn mower by replacing the old polluting gas engine with a 12 Volt electric motor run from a battery that charges from solar electric panels on my shed roof.

n 2021 I replaced this very heavy mower with a 21" Greenworks cordless mower.
window with insert THERMAL WINDOWS
In 2008
my friend Topher came up with a design for a double pane interior storm window that can be made easily and inexpensively.  If placed in all the windows of a home these simple double pane shrink film windows can save hundreds of dollars in heating bills annually in colder climates.

My complete instructions with detailed pictures show you how to build these simple energy savers.  Thousands of these windows have been built by individuals and community groups since the fall of 2008.
Insulating exposed concrete walls from the outside with rigid polystyrene foam and sheathing.  This keeps the concrete inside as warm thermal mass.

Insulating exposed frost walls of my solar heated workshop

Insulating door and window framing
A thermal study of my buildings

wood working
small couch table with coffee cup on it FURNITURE
My furnishings are all based on a theme of thin vertical staves as a primary visual/structural element.  I work mostly with native woods: maple, cherry, walnut and some exotics.

I have exhibited in craft shows and galleries across the country since 1997.  Here you will find a catalog of my designs, and information about how I work.
"Ground Effect" turned wood art TURNED WOOD ART (2002-3)
 I purchased a wood lathe in mid April 2002 with the sole intention of creating turned art objects. I had been designing shapes in my head for over a year that were forms evolved from my furniture. The designs all had legs attached radially in the same way that my tables have thin vertical staves as a primary element.
ART VESSELS - with Rebekah Younger (2004-5)
This is a body of collaborative work that began in May 2004. Guy begins by turning a vessel from a hard, light colored wood -- typically hard maple -- creating forms that provide a suitable "canvas" for Rebekah to decorate.
Completed canoe on saw horses CANOE
In July 2007 I decided that I needed a small, light canoe that I could use to paddle around Maine's beautiful rivers and lakes.

This detailed blog shows the construction of my 14 foot, 2 person, stitched lap strake canoe built from plans in a book.  Made from 4mm marine plywood with some fiberglass it weighs less than 47lbs with a load capacity of 300lbs.

"Digital Numeric Relevator #31" MY ARTWORKS
I began making light art in the mid 1980's.  My work has exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the country and abroad and is in several private and corporate collections.
Here you will find videos about machining small items using my mini-lathe and mini-mill.  Also videos about my renewable and sustainable energy systems, my electronic artworks and much more.

about me
I work with individual inventors and small companies to develop electronic prototypes and design new electronic products.   I'm semi-retired now and taking on projects selectively.
I have written articles on technology and sustainability.  Collected on my site are all these articles and also press about me or the things that I do.
workshop with solar panels
Historical views of my property
Guy posing with the Enterprise model from STTMP BIO
A brief pictorial history of my life.

At left I am posing with the Enterprise model while shooting visual effects for "Star Trek the Motion Picture" in 1979.

Yoda - my Teacher
"Do or do not. There is no try."