I drove down to Portland, Maine to buy all the materials as specified in
the book. I spend about $650.00 and I came back with almost
everything. At
Hardwoods I bought 4 sheets of 4mm Okume marine plywood, and 2 sheets
of 1/2" MDF to use as a support while working on the project. At
West Marine and
Hamilton Marine
I bought fiberglass and epoxy, and all the mixing and application tools,
and also the canoe seats. Click on the tool bar above (bottom right
corner) to see the complete bill of materials, I spent $877 total on the
Back in the workshop I tidied up the space and
moved some tools out of the way. I first ripped an 8 foot length of
clear pine about 1/2" wide by 3/4" to use as a batten to trace the
used one of the 1/2" sheets of MDF as a work surface by laying it on my
table saw. I stacked the 4 plywood sheets on top and began to lay
out the points that form the lines of the 5 planks which comprise each
quarter of the boat. Lots of measurements to place all the points!
Then I drove brads into each point along each line, lined up the batten to
the brads and secured it with bricks. A couple of times I noticed a
line was not fair, and had to go and re-check the measurement and move a
point to the correct place - I am dyslexic and often mis-read numbers.
Each line now looks fair and all of the boards
are outlined carefully on the top sheet.
Here's a movie made from images taken every minute
as I worked, time invested 1:20